Carepod Featured in Health Magazine in 'Home Awards 2022'

Health magazine recently featured Carepod in its April issue as an exemplary health product that we can rely on inside our homes. In addition, Carepod placed a spot in the 2022 Health Home Award Winners, helping us turn our own personal spaces into a health-promoting haven.

Health Home Awards featuring editors’ and experts’ top picks showcases revolutionary home products that can help aid in modern homes. Since its start, Health magazine has grown into one of America's most trusted health and wellness brands reaching 7.8 million unique visitors/views. News rating site NewsGuard rates the publication as reliable, noting that it generally avoids deceptive headlines.
Its mission is to inform and empower readers with accurate, empathetic, and actionable information in making the best choice in their health. Luckily, amongst all the humidifiers we now have in the market, consumers really tend to opt for the simplest and easiest to maintain machines. With Carepod’s revolutionary patented design, you can easily separate its three basic parts for cleaning— and you can even boil them to sterilize, leaving it safe and 99.99% germ-free. Our goal is really to create refreshingly balanced air that helps to protect our immune system so that we can stay strong and live radiantly.
Carepod continues to offer its 1-year warranty for its machine and a 2-yr warranty for the oscillating piece so that, you, as a consumer, can be at ease with our product's safety and our company’s reliability.
We made it and we’ll continue to provide and create freshly hydrated air for healthier, resilient living in shared spaces all across the world.

Get your copy of the Health April 2022 issue today while it lasts in your nearest local newsstand. Also, you can check out the online article here.