What Type of Water is Right for My Humidifier?

What Type of Water is Right for My Humidifier?

Are you looking for an easy and affordable way to boost the humidity in your home?

A  humidifier might be the perfect choice! Humidifiers are a great option for providing your home with essential moisture and boosting your family's health, without having to worry about maintenance or extra costs.

Now that you know a humidifier is the way to go, the next step is figuring out what type of water to use. It's important to choose the right type of water for your humidifier in order to keep it running optimally and avoid damaging it.

The three types of water commonly used in humidifiers are regular tap water, purified/distilled water, and demineralized water. Tap water can contain particles like minerals, metals, and other contaminants which could potentially damage your humidifier over time. Distilled or demineralized water is recommended for use in most home humidifiers for this reason.

Let's dive a little deeper!

How Does Water Work Inside of A Humidifier Anyways?

Have you ever wondered how water works inside of a humidifier?

It's actually quite simple! A humidifier is designed to take in water from its tank and then push it out into the air through its “humidifying element.” This part of the machine is responsible for creating a mist, which helps add moisture to the air.

As the mist evaporates, it adds moisture back into your home and helps keep things comfortable and moist.

What Kind of Water Do You Put in a Humidifier?

When it comes to choosing the right type of water for your humidifier, purified, distilled or demineralized water is really the best option.

Distilled water has been purified through a distillation process that removes minerals and other impurities from the source material, making it a safe and effective choice for most home humidifiers.

Not only will using distilled or demineralized water help protect your humidifier from any potential damage, it will also ensure that your air remains clean and clear. Plus, there are plenty of affordable options available on the market today!

The Difference Between Hard Water and Soft Water

When it comes to your humidifier, the type of water you use can make all the difference.

Many people are often curious about the differences between hard and soft water – after all, they both look pretty much the same!

Hard water generally contains minerals like calcium and magnesium while soft water is typically free from these minerals. Soft water is what’s used in most home humidifiers since it doesn’t contain any extra particles that could potentially damage your machine over time.

As an added bonus, using soft water can also help reduce the amount of dust and other allergens floating around your home.

Carepod Cube

What Is Distilled Water?

Why Do People Use Distilled Water in Humidifiers?

People use distilled water in humidifiers because it’s been purified through a distillation process that removes any potentially damaging particles like minerals, metals, and other contaminants from the source material. That makes it a more safe and effective choice.

Distilled water is also effective at keeping dust and allergens out of the air, so it’s ideal for people with allergies or respiratory sensitivities. Plus, it’s much easier to find and more affordable than demineralized water, so it’s a great choice for those on a budget.

In short, distilled water provides superior protection for your humidifier while still being an economical option.

Tap Water, Bottled Water or Purified Water

Can you use tap water in a humidifier?

It’s understandable that you may be tempted to use tap water in your humidifier – after all, it’s easy to find and convenient to use.

However, it’s important to note that using regular tap water can potentially damage your humidifier over time. Tap water contains minerals, metals, and other contaminants which can build up inside the machine and cause it to malfunction or even break down completely.

For this reason, we recommend using distilled or demineralized water instead of tap water for your home humidifier. 

Can you use bottled water in a humidifier?

You can certainly use bottled water for your humidifier, but it’s important to keep in mind that it may not be the best option. Bottled water is often treated with chemicals like chlorine and fluoride which can leave behind an unpleasant odor.

Plus, there’s no way to know how long the bottled water has been sitting on the shelf; its quality may have deteriorated significantly since bottling.

Again, for these reasons, we recommend using distilled or demineralized water instead of bottled for your home humidifier. 

Can you use purified water in a humidifier?

Absolutely! Purified water is a great choice for your humidifier as it has been treated to remove contaminants, minerals, and other impurities. It’s also free from any chemicals that can leave behind an unpleasant odor or taste.

Plus, since purification removes particles that could damage your humidifier over time, you can rest assured knowing your machine will be in good condition for years to come. As an added bonus, purified water is typically more affordable than distilled or demineralized options, so it’s a great option for those on a budget.

Where can I find purified water?

Finding purified water is easy and convenient! You can find it at most grocery stores, health food stores, and even some gas stations. It's usually labeled as "purified" or "distilled," so you'll know what you're looking for. Alternatively, you can also buy a water filter for your home that will purify the tap water for you.

That way, you don't have to worry about running out or having to buy bottles of purified water every time you need more. Regardless of how you get your purified water, just make sure it's free from contaminants and minerals so it won't damage your humidifier over time!

Glass of water

How Can You Make Tap Water Safe for Humidifiers?

Buy a Water Filter

As we mentioned earlier, if you want to use tap water in your humidifier but are concerned about the contaminants it may contain, you should consider buying a water filter.

A good quality water filter can remove unwanted minerals and contaminants from your tap water, making it safe for use in your humidifier. 

When choosing a water filter for your humidifier, make sure to look for one with a high micron rating – this means that the filter will be able to effectively remove even the smallest particles from your tap water.

Note: You should also check the manufacturer’s instructions on how often the filter needs to be replaced; typically, filters are designed to last anywhere from six months to one year.

Install A Home Water Distiller

If you want to use tap water in your humidifier, then consider installing a home water distiller. With a home water distiller, you can rest assured knowing the water you’re using is free from anything potentially damaging.

A home water distiller works by boiling the tap water and collecting the steam in a condenser, which separates out any contaminants or minerals. The result is clean, pure drinking-quality distilled water that’s safe for use in your humidifier.

Plus, with a home distiller, you can save money on buying pre-packaged distilled or demineralized water. Installing a home water distiller is a great way to ensure that your humidifier runs safely and smoothly for years.

Install A Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System

If you want to use tap water in your humidifier, then consider installing a reverse osmosis water filtration system. This type of system works by forcing water through a semi-permeable membrane that filters out all the particles and contaminants that can damage your machine. The result is high-quality purified water that’s safe for use in your home humidifier.

Plus, with a reverse osmosis system, you won’t have to worry about buying pre-packaged distilled or demineralized water anymore! Installing a reverse osmosis system is an easy and cost-effective way to make sure your humidifier runs safely and smoothly for years to come.

What About Boiled Tap Water?

Boiling tap water can be an effective way to make it safe for use in your home humidifier. The boiling process removes various contaminants and minerals, making the water cleaner and safer for use.

However, it’s important to note that boiling does not remove certain microscopic pollutants or chemicals that may still be present in your tap water. For these reasons, distilled or demineralized water is still the best choice for your home humidifier.

Putting It All Together

In conclusion, there are a few different types of water that are safe for use in a humidifier.

Bottled water is an option, but it may contain chemical additives and has likely been sitting on the shelf for an unknown amount of time.

Distilled or demineralized water is a great choice as it has been purified to remove all contaminants and impurities. Purified water is also a great choice as it’s free from chemicals that could leave behind an unpleasant odor.

Finally, you can install a water filter, home distiller or reverse osmosis filtration system to make tap water safe for use in your humidifier.

No matter which type of water you choose, just be sure to place your humidifier in the right location and check regularly to make sure that it's working properly. This will allow you to enjoy your humidifier for many years to come!